Dream Dig Database

A Journal of the Forgotten Third

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Matt`s Dream - Oct 29th

Visibility: Semi-vivid
Length: long but don`t recall a whole lot now
Triggers: some (this means do you know why you were dreaming about what you were dreaming about...were you thinking of something previously in the day that triggered the dream)

I was in a large, empty house. It felt like some gigantic catastrophe had just finished. The sky was gray and the clouds were low. The world felt empty. My brother David and I were trying to escape from this house because some people were looking for us. I was in a tunnel in the basement and we met some other people who were trying to escape. There was one man who said, `Does anyone here speak Romanian?` A Romanian girl I knew from high school suddenly appeared and said, `I do.` Then all of us sneaked out the back door, across the grass to a steep ravine that was filled with bushes and grass and fallen trees. We jumped down into this ravine but were making a lot of noise, so for a while, we all stood silently and tried to hide in the brush. I lay flat on a fallen log and covered myself with camouflage. My Uncle appeared and came crashing down into the ravine and we were all hiding silently. He was standing right beside me when he suddenly pushed me and I rolled off the log. I thought I had been better hidden.

In the distance, an enormous hurricane was brewing. It came over top of us while we were standing in a field and the air was blue and clear. We were in the eye. I reached down and took a fist of dirt from the field and said, `See, there is nothing to worry about.` And then someone said to me, `Yes, but we`re in the eye.`


At 12:56 PM, Blogger Kirsten said...

my question....did the people you knew in the dream look the same to you as they do now? Or did you just know they were 'your uncle' or 'your brother'?

At 1:08 PM, Blogger Matthew R. Loney said...

hmmm...Romanian girl actually had a face.

I think I just knew it was my uncle and brother.

It`s funny how that happens. I wonder what gives us that feeling that we know its them without seeing their face.

At 5:48 PM, Blogger Kirsten said...

well, if you believe in past lives, it could be their soul you recognize, not their face. so, perhaps you were having a past-life memory. Sometimes that happens in your dreams. Perhaps your brother and uncle were with you in a previous life (or many)!


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