Dream Dig Database

A Journal of the Forgotten Third

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

SK - Oct. 31st

Visibility: Semi-vivid
Length: Long and involved, but I don't remember much of it
Triggers: Thoughts of Home and Family

I was at my cousin's house in Portland. She's currently preggers, but hasn't had her baby yet. In my dream, she had her baby and it (maybe a boy) was at least a year old. It couldn't walk, but it could talk. As her husband picked up the phone and went into another room, and while my cousin was busy doing something the baby told me his mom loved someone else and was cheating on his dad. This was shocking coming from a one year old. But he said he'd heard his mom talking on the phone. The baby even told me his name, Joe T. (a guy I went to high school with and later was my cousin's boss, his dad was my Soph. English teacher and I went on a blind date with his cousin). When my cousin came back, I asked her about it. She confessed that she wanted a divorce and her marriage was over. When her husband came back into the room, still on the phone, they started yelling at each other. I think it might have even been Joe on the phone.

This is totally contrary to the information I've gotten from home recently. She says things with her husband have never been better since they found out they're having a baby. And she hated Joe T. when they worked together! Not sure why this came up!


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Matthew R. Loney said...

Maybe your subconscious saw through some artifice in what your friend was telling you. Your dream was your subconscious` doubts.


At 10:26 PM, Blogger Linea said...

strange detail - rsz


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