Dream Dig Database

A Journal of the Forgotten Third

Friday, November 17, 2006

MRL Nov. 15th

Visibility: Semi-vivid
Length: Long
Triggers: Alcohol-induced state from date with dentist

I was in a bar that was also in someone`s house - like a dorm house. I was having a drink when these two house-mates started wrestling, just play fighting. They ended up wrestling behind the bar, knocking over stuff. Eventually one of the guys stood up and his front tooth was knocked out and bleeding. I said, `come here, let me look at it,` and he opened his mouth and I saw the knocked out tooth and said, `you need to see a dentist right away, it`s an emergency. I know a good one`
I stood up to get ready to take him to the dentist, when I felt something huge and sharpe in my mouth. I pulled it out and it was three or so of my molars which had somehow popped off. I looked at the guy with the half-tooth and said, `See! It happened to me too!`

There were six or so other people living in this house and there were two long beds lined up against opposite walls. The people would just loll and roll in their bed all day, like a great hippy commune. The room was like a big, abandoned factory and there were weird machines in all the corners.
I crawled into bed and started talking this guy and girl on the opposite bed. Then this blonde girl who was wearing a hat came into my bed. We laughed and flirted and eventually she rolled on top of me.
I thought, `This is great, but I`m not going to have sex in the open.`
And then I turned my head and this enormous, 450 lb naked black man walked into the factory/room. He sat down on some sort of ledge and started taking a shit into a trough. I was confused. But I stood up and said to him, `yeah? Well, look what I can do!` and took a huge shit in my pants. No one knew what was happening until I shook the shit out the bottom leg of my pants onto the floor. They found it to be hilarious.
But then i was like, `Now I`ve shit my pants, how do i get them clean?` and they pointed me to a washing machine in the corner. But there was no soap. I looked around everywhere, all over this factory for laundry soap, and many things looked like soap, but weren`t. I eventually looked at a shelf by the washing machine and there were all these plastic-making supplies. I touched them and thought, `this is strange.` There were drawers full of plastic powder, plastic pellets, slabs of raw plastic that you could melt down. I never found soap.


At 10:34 PM, Blogger Kirsten said...

whoa...lots of dreaming about bodily functions-fluids and feces! ick! i hope it isn't contagious!

was the dentist telling some wild medical stories?

At 1:37 AM, Blogger Matthew R. Loney said...

No wild medical stories. But I ate a lot of oysters in the nabe and had my first atsukan of the season...followed by a bottle of wine. I blame it on that.

I think you have dreams about shit all the time but are too shy to tell us ;)

At 2:51 AM, Blogger Kirsten said...

atsukan??? nandesuka?

i can't remember EVER having a dream about shit. I hope it stays that way!

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Kirsten said...

thanks alot....i had my first one last night. it wasn't pleasant! i hope it isn't a pattern!


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