Dream Dig Database

A Journal of the Forgotten Third

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Visibility: vivid
Length: long
Triggers: this week's e-mail correspondance

Where to begin? Packing up, to go who knows where, but my father is in the background distracting me. Then being back in my hometown, wandering the streets, and there is this HUGE MASSIVE structure that has been build while I've been gone. It's a bunch of skyscrapers that are all connected by walkways and roadways hundreds of meters above the ground that span the entire city. Every building complex has a big entrance -wide concrete stairs. The buildings themselve are mostly commercial and I was in one, playing pool, when I decided to leave I had to walk down these big set of stairs. But then I realized I still had the pool cue in my hand. I didn't want to go all the way back up the stairs so I just left it leaning against the side of the building by a door. That's when I realized that all the people that had been milling around this big staircased entrance were homeless people. And almost all of them were walking around with pool cues in their hands.

Then I was in another one of the skyscrapers which was a mall and I wanted a hot chocolate, so I went up to the floor where it was all coffee booths. Japanese vending machines, French silver decanters, North American brands... I headed for the Starbucks (but it wasn't really, it was a knockoff -same logo, but different name). As I got close, the line up suddenly build up and I realized they were all JETs and ex-JETs. Behind the sugar/cream counter Jimmy and Thip were talking to each other a mile a minute. Francy (who was wearing a hot pink sweater) turned to me and said "They're twins!!".

I don't think I ever got my hot chocolate. I was back on another set of stairs with 3 people I know from when I was young, I can only recall one of them now, but I knew the other two really well. Some guy was putting blue sheets down on these massive steps so that people could lie down and take naps. Me and my friends decided we were all exhausted so we paired up on the blue sheets to take a nap. The guy I paired up with had a mattress underneath him and at first he wouldn't share and I had to lie on the concrete, but then he moved over and he was really warm, so I snuggled in really close to him.

Then all of a sudden I was at home (but not really my home) and my aunt was there with her 3 kids and her husband and it was Christmas time and total chaos. Things get fuzzy here.

I woke up once to the sound of crows outside my balcony and then went back to sleep, but now I can't remember that dream -although I know I had one.


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