Dream Dig Database

A Journal of the Forgotten Third

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Visibility: bit foggy
Length: Long but don`t remember much
Triggers: Watching movies

Again on an island, but a big one with a huge city with lots of hills. A lot of young people were there, like travelers, but we were trapped. There had been something big happening and none of us could figure out how to get off the island. Eventually I met some travelers who told me how to get a ticket to France by the Chunnel. I remember checking the schedule and thinking there wasn`t enough time, but they handed me my passport and I thought, `At least I`ll get a French stamp in it, and a few francs.` But then remembered it would only be Euros.
The way to get to the Chunnel station was long and complicated. I had to take a zip-line in a little chair over the city streets. I saw a girl down below whom I recognized and asked her for some vital information. My basket turned into a wheel-chair thing and I made my way down the bumpy street hills to the station.
Outside the station there was a guy who said, `You`ll need to buy a parking pass for that` pointing to the wheelchair.
I looked around and whispered to him, `Could you just do me this favour? Just wave me through, it doesn`t mean anything to you.`
He disappeared and came back with my tickets and the parking pass which I looked down and saw cost 3.50$. I was thankful to him for bending the rules.
Inside the Chunnel Station wasn`t big. It was like the hallway of the house with so many doors, each with a number on it. You were supposed to do each step in order so you could board the train to France. I looked down and tried to read on the sheet. I had already done number one, which was park your car. Number two was to go through security. I opened the door that said number two, but inside was being repainted and had old white sheets thrown over everything. I shut the door and said to myself, `My god, the Chunnel is closed!`


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