Dream Dig Database

A Journal of the Forgotten Third

Thursday, November 09, 2006

OM - Nov/09/06

Have been recording dreams over the past week or so -- The lucid dreaming book is back off the shelf and by my bed; time to try this anew :)

Dreaming… still pretty clear… I’m jumping out planes as part of some military force… it’s like a movie, I can see different paramilitary groups doing the same thing… Japanese commandos, and another group but I’m not sure… It’s all related to this book… I’ve been looking at the pictures, reading just a little -- I’ve been encouraged to buy or borrow it from the proprietor of the coffee shop we’ve been in…He and his daughter run it…A friend is with me, having an argument with the daughter of the coffee shop owner, there are some others… I’ve been looking at the book over coffee, and while reading it, it’s played out like a movie… When we get up to leave and pay, someone explains to me (my mom) that the old man (who’s Australian) has substituted the cost of my drink and food for the rental fee of the book… he’s doing me a favor- encouraging me to take the book, the cost of which is much less than my drink and food…His daughter seems a little miffed that he’s made this offer…I’m judging my good luck in the offer of her disgruntlement…Discussing the price of the book…it turns out the book is quite dear to the old man…images remind me of stuff from the 60’s… it’s pages and the font/layout has the same feel…For a lot of money I can buy the book, but he’s also offering to lend it to me…. For 5 dollars I can borrow it and return it when done… I decide on this route… He writes out his phone number in pencil… I’m to phone when done…or come back to return it. As he double-checks the number, he realizes he’s written in his Australian area code and remarking about how he’s always doing it, we’re not in Australia… alarm… awake….

While looking at the pages and reading… a movie like scenario opens up.. at first I’m with different commando units and I’m jumping with them…out of the plane… free fall for couple of seconds, pull on the cord, boom- parachute opens and we start to float… as soon as this happens back to another jump sequence… strange thing is we’re jumping out the front window of the transport/cargo plane… something which you shouldn’t have to do, but that we are, so as not to get sucked into the engines which is what would happen if we jumped out the side door….for a while I jump with different groups of commandos… Japanese, they’ve got the old imperial flag, then Russians (?) and British (?) then I’m in the scenario and it’s no longer old… we’re doing a gear check… I’m with a crew of 4 or 5… we’re just about to go, final inspection before popping out… I’m excited but concerned – I’ve got a new harness, parachute, but although I’m fine with it’s integrity it doesn’t have a leg strap...essential so the thing doesn’t pop up and over your body when you jump… I raise this question with our leader (Todd ?) and he points out that there is a leg strap, I’ve just neglected to tighten it. I’ve relieved to find this , and quickly do so, cinching the whole thing up…ready to go…we prepare ourselves then jump out the front window…. Free fall for a few seconds… I love the feeling, then pull on the cord… and back into the cargo bay of the plane…it’s like practice scenarios…


At 1:45 PM, Blogger Matthew R. Loney said...


Sounds pretty vivid if you remember that many details.

I always love a good war dream - escapes, spies, hiding from enemies etc.

Welcome to Dreamdiggers!

At 11:05 PM, Blogger Kirsten said...

I've never had a war dream....is that unique to guys? Why is that?

Did these dreams take place in the present day or the past or future?

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Matthew R. Loney said...

Never had a war dream?!

Hmmm...perhaps we need to take you for a round of paintballing

At 1:38 PM, Blogger Linea said...

Yeah -- it was related to war but nothing with bombs, or blood and guts... the gear I was wearing wasn't military - that whole sequence was in present time... when reading the book things took on a decidely 60's-(ish) or earlier feel... Imperial flag from Japan, and the other groups were using old equipment...


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