Dream Dig Database

A Journal of the Forgotten Third

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Visibility: vivid
Length: short
Triggers: going home for Christmas

Coming back from Canada to Japan, I realize that I haven't bought any omiyage for anyone, so I rush to the duty free in the airport and start shopping madly. All I can find are hideous wood carvings and leather goods for outrageous prices. Then I go to a store that sells food products and all they have are fish paste products in the shape of grey seals.

p.s. The airport in my dreams is always the same airport. I've been through this airport numerous times in numerous dreams (usually in a panic because I'm late or don't have my ticket or luggage). I've never actually been to the airport that I see in my dreams, but I have a feeling that someday I'll disembark from one of my journeys and actually be there.


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