Dream Dig Database

A Journal of the Forgotten Third

Saturday, November 04, 2006

SK - Nov. 4

Visibility: pretty clear
Length: broken bits and pieces
Triggers: by request

1. It was inbetween snoozing. So it was brief and broken up, but it felt like I was entering the same dream. And I think I was aware of dreaming, at least alittle bit. I was in Japan at my school, but it was "grandparents" day. Not for the students, but for ALTs. Both my grandfathers were there. I was in charge of some performance and there was some electrical issues, and I remember my grandfather, the electrician, got involved. He was wearing an workman's overalls, with a towel around his head. I think maybe he'd been visiting Japan for TOO LONG. He's still living in real life. But my paternal grandfather was also there, he died 5 years ago. I walked him around the school, and talked to him about differences and explained things. It was so wonderful to be with him again. And he was so inquisitive, nothing had changed. He was wearing a suit, which is how I remember him because he was a minister. He commented on how much he enjoyed talking to Ms. Nitta, my JTE. But he couldn't really pronounce her name. And I saw JP sitting at a table and introduced them. I knew they would get along and enjoy talking! There were a lot of ALTs in a big college style cafeteria with their grandparents visiting. And my mom was somehow involved in the performance. Because I remember commenting to her about the electrical problems.

After it was over, I walked outside and sat behind a tree and cried. I was happy I'd gotten to see them, but sad it was over. But I only got a few minutes to myself before the 1st grade teachers (two from my elementary schools) had come outside with all the kids to take them home. And then my principal was there too. And I tried to get back into the school, but the front door was under construction, so you had to jump over big rocks, climb fences, crawl through things, etc. I gave up and fell over laughing.

Before I went to sleep, I decided I wanted to see my paternal grandfather in my dream. I don't remember dreaming of him or anyone else I know that's died. Maybe this dream journaling is working.

Visibility: Clear, I could read
Length: short
Triggers: planning a trip home

Earlier in the night, before my first alarm went off, I was at home in my dream. Someone had just dropped me off at my high school. For some reason, I knew I'd been an exchange student for about a year and a half but was back at high school and needed to start classes again. Outside the school they were preparing for a "Battle of the Bands" event. They had the stage and signs prepared. Three of the four signs were in Japanese. I remember reading "song" or "歌”but it was spelled like this ”うていう." But I knew the meaning anyway. At first it didn't phase me, but then I remembered I wasn't in Japan anymore. I thought it was pretty cool the Japanese class was sponsoring the concert and had gone to the trouble of making all the signs in Japanese! But really, someone should teach them spelling!

I walked into the high school, the high school I went to in PDX. And walked into the office. There was a student sitting at a desk, one of my 2nd grade JHS students from Japan. He was the kid in charge of writing excused absences. The sign on the desk said "parents notes" or something like that. Did I need a note for being gone for over a year?? Probably not. I started to walk over to the main desk to explain my situation......and my alarm went off.


At 11:32 PM, Blogger Matthew R. Loney said...

"And I tried to get back into the school, but the front door was under construction, so you had to jump over big rocks, climb fences, crawl through things, etc. I gave up and fell over laughing."

"But then I remembered I wasn`t in Japan anymore..."

Think this might have anything to do with your recontracting decision?
Seems pretty clear to me!


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