Length: medium
Visibility: clear
Triggers: signed my contract
I was in Birmingham. I was visiting the program house and talking to people in the admin center about transfering to campus. They all laughed and called me crazy. They all said that I had this huge reputation now and that everyone knew me because I was doing something so crazy nobody could believe it. They were in hysterics. Oh well, I thought. I might as well do something a bit different and try to make it work. I was there. What was I going to do.
And then I was with a few students, and they said they all knew. Everyone knew. Everyone knew what had happened and what my reputation was. Great! Just great! I'm glad I'm being given a fair chance here! Glad I can come in with a clean slate. The only thing is, I think I know what they were talking about, but nobody was being very clear. So I wasn't sure if everyone knew that I was the student transfering from Japan. Or was it that they all knew that I was the student that had that thing happen with that professor.
I was trying to walk across campus, but I couldn't leave the building because there was a rabid bear running around outside. Nobody else seemed concerned but this bear was WILD and running around like a MAD MAN!! I asked someone how to get across campus to another building. He said to go around back and just drop some candies by the door and I'd be safe. So I left the building and started walking across campus.
I got to a Y in the path. There was a sign that listed two buildings, but not the building I needed. I turned and looked around to ask someone. Sitting on a park bench was Murray, the other Professor I knew from the summer. I walked up to him and reintroduced myself. He seemed to remember me, but I was really sure until he apologized for the "other" professor and what happened. I thanked him and started to ask him for advice about how to make this campus experience work. Maybe I could avoid him all together, or maybe I couldn't. But I needed some advice and someone in my corner. It seemed like everyone was already against me, or already knew too much!
And I woke up.
February 1st, 2007
Length: short
visibility: slightly hazy
triggers: no idea
Amy called and was crying. I was trying to make her feel better and talk to her about what was going on, but I couldn't get anything out of her. I looked out my window and Jackie and Melissa or Mariette were sitting outside on the beach reading books in front of my apartment in Japan (iina!!). I asked them to come up and cheer her up on the phone. They did.
Then I got an email from Amy as soon as I woke up...she had been hit by a car in REAL life!
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