Dream Dig Database

A Journal of the Forgotten Third

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Visibility: foggy
Length: short
Triggers: no frickin' clue

Mr. Bullfighter had a long blonde mullet. I only saw it from the back. But there it was--long blonde hair! Wow!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Visibility: Clear
Length: Long and involved
Triggers: Hmm....

When I got to school there was a girl student who had been caught smoking a drug called Benzedrine. It was an oil that came in a glass vial and you held the vial in a special metal holder and inhaled it. It was extremely dangerous to possess and this girl was getting in MASSIVE trouble - to the point where she might be executed. But this was one of my favorite students and I wanted to help her - so when I walked by her, she slipped a few vials of this drug into my hand and I put them in my pocket. But suddenly I was terrified. If the school found out I had them, I would lose my job and be deported.
I went to my bedroom and put them in a bag of other stuff and hid the bag underneath my bed. But then a whole bunch of teachers walked in and started discussing the punishment for the girl student. While they weren`t looking, the girl said to me, `Iiyada, bedo no shita wa!` (Don`t put it under the bed!) But the teachers heard her and asked me, `Put what under the bed?` I said, `Oh, she just told me it was dark under the bed and its impossible to see anything.`
I needed to find a better place to hide these vials since there were dogs and policemen searching everywhere around the school for other people with drugs.
I went to a stationary store in a weird futuristic-looking city and I told the woman that I needed some sort of container. I had all my things, including my laptop, in my backpack and there were college students and travellers running all around this city. The woman and I were flirting heavily and she said that she was going to lock up early - with the intention that we would go home together. I said I really needed to find a container so I said I would go to another store and come back when she had locked up. I went to a different store but they were already locked. When I looked back at the woman`s store, I saw her and an Israeli college student who worked selling crepes kissing in the crepe store. I thought, `Well, she changes her mind quickly.`
All this time I just felt the anticipation of smoking the drugs in my pocket. I wanted to find a quiet place without the danger of being caught.
Eventually it was day, but it was a few months later and I was with my supervisor after having come home from a trip. He took me to the stationary store but we found it was abandoned and half that city block had been destroyed.
The drugs were still in my backpack, but they were at the front of this motorboat waiting for us on the flooded streets below. Then a boy swam up to the boat, grabbed my bag and dove back in just as I reached him.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Length: short
Visibility: clear
Triggers: ?

Valentine's Day was not about the usual stuff...It was about small kitchen appliances. To celebrate, I raced my toaster oven against a microwave down a slidey race track. The toaster oven broke to bits.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Length: medium
Visibility: clear
Triggers: signed my contract

I was in Birmingham. I was visiting the program house and talking to people in the admin center about transfering to campus. They all laughed and called me crazy. They all said that I had this huge reputation now and that everyone knew me because I was doing something so crazy nobody could believe it. They were in hysterics. Oh well, I thought. I might as well do something a bit different and try to make it work. I was there. What was I going to do.

And then I was with a few students, and they said they all knew. Everyone knew. Everyone knew what had happened and what my reputation was. Great! Just great! I'm glad I'm being given a fair chance here! Glad I can come in with a clean slate. The only thing is, I think I know what they were talking about, but nobody was being very clear. So I wasn't sure if everyone knew that I was the student transfering from Japan. Or was it that they all knew that I was the student that had that thing happen with that professor.

I was trying to walk across campus, but I couldn't leave the building because there was a rabid bear running around outside. Nobody else seemed concerned but this bear was WILD and running around like a MAD MAN!! I asked someone how to get across campus to another building. He said to go around back and just drop some candies by the door and I'd be safe. So I left the building and started walking across campus.

I got to a Y in the path. There was a sign that listed two buildings, but not the building I needed. I turned and looked around to ask someone. Sitting on a park bench was Murray, the other Professor I knew from the summer. I walked up to him and reintroduced myself. He seemed to remember me, but I was really sure until he apologized for the "other" professor and what happened. I thanked him and started to ask him for advice about how to make this campus experience work. Maybe I could avoid him all together, or maybe I couldn't. But I needed some advice and someone in my corner. It seemed like everyone was already against me, or already knew too much!

And I woke up.

February 1st, 2007
Length: short
visibility: slightly hazy
triggers: no idea

Amy called and was crying. I was trying to make her feel better and talk to her about what was going on, but I couldn't get anything out of her. I looked out my window and Jackie and Melissa or Mariette were sitting outside on the beach reading books in front of my apartment in Japan (iina!!). I asked them to come up and cheer her up on the phone. They did.

Then I got an email from Amy as soon as I woke up...she had been hit by a car in REAL life!