Dream Dig Database

A Journal of the Forgotten Third

Monday, November 20, 2006

LDN Nov. 19

Visibility: Vivid
Length: long dream, but this is the part I remember
Triggers: ???

I noticed I had a blackhead on my cheek, just under and to the left of my left eye.
I started to squeeze it and it started to pop, but then all of a sudden it turned bright red and swelled into a huge protrusion so I stopped sqeezing, but there was now so much pressure behind it that I had to squeeze again or my face was going to explode. So I squeezed again and it opened up (seriously, it was now about a pencil width in size). Instead of the regular puss, it oozed black and red goo and this tubular wormy thing squirmed out of my cheek. The bloody goo kept coming out in a long string until it hit the floor and fell into a coiled heap. The tuby-wormy thing just kept sqirming and spitting goo.

Absolutely, totally gross.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Visibility: Semi-vivid
Length: short, just before waking
Triggers: 2 vodka tonics

I was flying in small airplanes with japanese and non-japanese people. commands were given to fire beautiful missiles into small towns. red smoke trailed out of each one. the only line i remember was about making the sky red with the smoke trails.

after the firing i was on the ground walking thru the small town. people were bleeding, but in a fake way. the injured looked like really low-budget movie props. wires were coming out of them and the blood was spraying comically.

i walked thru the town until i got to a small house on a cliff overlooking the sea. then a huge herd of dogs appeared. hundreds of thousands of dogs running as a pack. all breeds, all together. i was frozen in fear.

Friday, November 17, 2006

MRL Nov. 15th

Visibility: Semi-vivid
Length: Long
Triggers: Alcohol-induced state from date with dentist

I was in a bar that was also in someone`s house - like a dorm house. I was having a drink when these two house-mates started wrestling, just play fighting. They ended up wrestling behind the bar, knocking over stuff. Eventually one of the guys stood up and his front tooth was knocked out and bleeding. I said, `come here, let me look at it,` and he opened his mouth and I saw the knocked out tooth and said, `you need to see a dentist right away, it`s an emergency. I know a good one`
I stood up to get ready to take him to the dentist, when I felt something huge and sharpe in my mouth. I pulled it out and it was three or so of my molars which had somehow popped off. I looked at the guy with the half-tooth and said, `See! It happened to me too!`

There were six or so other people living in this house and there were two long beds lined up against opposite walls. The people would just loll and roll in their bed all day, like a great hippy commune. The room was like a big, abandoned factory and there were weird machines in all the corners.
I crawled into bed and started talking this guy and girl on the opposite bed. Then this blonde girl who was wearing a hat came into my bed. We laughed and flirted and eventually she rolled on top of me.
I thought, `This is great, but I`m not going to have sex in the open.`
And then I turned my head and this enormous, 450 lb naked black man walked into the factory/room. He sat down on some sort of ledge and started taking a shit into a trough. I was confused. But I stood up and said to him, `yeah? Well, look what I can do!` and took a huge shit in my pants. No one knew what was happening until I shook the shit out the bottom leg of my pants onto the floor. They found it to be hilarious.
But then i was like, `Now I`ve shit my pants, how do i get them clean?` and they pointed me to a washing machine in the corner. But there was no soap. I looked around everywhere, all over this factory for laundry soap, and many things looked like soap, but weren`t. I eventually looked at a shelf by the washing machine and there were all these plastic-making supplies. I touched them and thought, `this is strange.` There were drawers full of plastic powder, plastic pellets, slabs of raw plastic that you could melt down. I never found soap.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

SKA-Not a Dream

It was just a thought and mental note. Yesterday after school (about 4:30) I was walking around my apartment--doing stuff. And I remember very clearly thinking to myself how lucky we've been because there haven't been any earthquakes recently! There was a small earthquake in Niigata our first year, but nothing that major since. I guess when I moved to Japan, I thought I'd feel them all the time.

Less than an hour later, at about 5:40pm I was watching Sumo and the newscaster announced there had just been a 3. earthquake in the Kansai area, no threat of tsunami. And then when I got home later that night I saw on the news there had been an 8.1 earthquake off of Northern Hokkaido, this time there was a threat of tsunami. Luckily, it wasn't too bad.

I'm not saying it was a premonition....but sometimes I think our intuition is stronger than we think. Pay attention and take note to your thoughts!

Monday, November 13, 2006


Visibility: really foggy
Length: short
Triggers: life thoughts

There was a live video feed to the SEED center. I don't know what country I was in, maybe I was still in Japan. Who knows. But I was watching the SEED Center on TV. And I was watching because they were gonna have a special guest...an ex of mine! Eek! He had a go-tee (sp?). I just remember being able to see him walk in and greet all the kids and watching it from above. And that's all I really remember.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Visibility: vivid
Length: long but segmented.
Triggers: who knows

Lots of build up -and then a big building full of people. I walked into this one warehouse-sized room and there was one of those rocking ship rides. The ship was bright red and yellow and there was only one guy on it. The ship never stopped rocking back and forth and there were no seats or straps, he was freestyling it, and when ever swung in one direction it would blatantly jerk suddenly at the apex? of the swing and the guy would get thrown of the end of the boat. But all the walls were padded and so was the floor so he never got hurt. He was tall and skinny and dressed like Willy Wonka. He'd just get back up and get on the ship again (It kinda reminded me of Tokyo Friends Park II). He was also holding a sign that had Japanese writing on it.

Next, I'm in a waiting room, waiting for my friend Mike (Thailand Mike, not China Mike) to get his teaching license approved. His name was in Romaji on a plaque at the reception desk and there were kanji characters beside it. Again, there were tons of people milling around and I had no idea where Mike was.

Then I'm in a big gym that's been separated by a mesh curtain. There are about 20 adult students on each side and once again, we're waiting for Mike to show up to start the class. I started teaching on my side, the other side just decided to follow until Mike showed up, everything they did was in exact mirror/opposition to what we were doing. What we were doing was BACKSTROKE. I was teaching swimming lessons in a gym.

Cut away to a huge fancy 80s style house, lots of dark rooms and furniture. I'm in the basement with my Aunt and her best friend Cathy whom in real life I've known since I was very young. There were flowers in the room, and I remember make-up and perfume as well, but not the reason why...then there was a Japanese woman, very high class, fancy clothes lots of make-up in the room as well. It was day time and I excused myself to use the bathroom. I went into another room in the basement where I knew there was an attached bathroom. The room was big and full of beds (this image I think came from a TV show I was watching yesterday on dorms at an English public school). There was one person sleeping in one of the beds -I think I was Cathy's boyfriend. At that point I made a note of what bed I wanted to sleep in that night.

I crept as quietly as possible to the bathroom but the door was really noisy and it would shut or lock the first time. So I had to try again and it was really loud. Once it was shut I wanted to pee as quickly as possible and get out of there, I was feeling really uneasy. The toilet was huge and I couldn't touch the floor with my feet when I sat on it. I was getting upset and I started to pee and realized that it wasn't going into the toilet bowl. I was peeing all over the floor and seat and I couldn't stop. Then the boyfriend guy came banging on the door asking me why I was taking so long and why I had made so much noise. I jumped off the toilet and started cleaning everything.

Then my grandmother (who in real life is no longer alive) opened the door and told me everything was all right and that it happens to her all the time. I finished wiping the toilet seat off which was covered in really short pubic hairs which I hadn't noticed before and went back in the the room with all the beds. It was now night time and all I could see were the outlines of sleeping bodies under the covers off all the beds. I didn't know where I was supposed to sleep and started to get upset again, so my grandmother turned on the light which woke everyone up, and I tried to explain that I had nowhere to sleep. Cathy apologized for not telling me earlier, then my aunt opened up a package of Bernard Callebaut chocolate and a little Japanese girl came over to one of the beds I was now sitting on and began eating the chocolate.

Next I'm in a car on a freeway in Tokyo with a Japanese guy who's face is kind of cat like. We're long time friends and the conversation is about relationships. I casually mention that I'm divorced and he is really surprised that I haven't told him before. We arrived at the restaurant and now the guy is my friend Craig. We go through the lobby and a long corridor arm in arm, we pass by his older brother Ross and enter a huge plus dining hall. The tables are all small and round, but the seats are plush green lazy-boy corner sofas. I noticed that I know a lot of people in the room, including the rest of Craig's family. I also see Ross and his dad sit down at another table and start having a intense but very private discussion. Craig and I sit down and recline the chairs. My legs stick out way past the foot rest and we realize we can't reach the tables in this position.

Then I woke up.

The end.


Visibility: on & off
Length: on & off
Triggers: email from my old supervisor at AFS, travel plans, thinking of home, missing AJS

flight itineraries....there were lots of them. I was going lots of places. Everytime I feel back asleep after looking at the clock, I just remember thinking of another place, another ticket. The last one I remember is getting ready to fly to Bombay on to ??? (don't remember). I was getting on a hotel-airport bus, it was 810 in the am. My flight for Bombay left at 1110am. The bus driver said not to worry, we were just "10 minutes out." The bus cost 2000Y or $18US, i think it took both currencies.

But before getting on the bus I was at some sore of delapitated hotel or apartment. I had been sleeping at a table on a rooftop garden, maybe after a party, maybe after a beer garden party?
There were adult twin sisters sitting at another table wearing matching bright blue sweaters. And there was a woman who used to volunteer for AFS sitting at another table. I ended up sitting with her. (i never liked her in real life, nothing was different, she was still annoying). She was talking about having this affair with a professor that she'd met at the last summer conference. So I guess, we were at a conference before together. Was it an AFS conference or an MA conference? I asked her some questions about this affair and the prof. She said he's pretty dull and she has a hard time listening to him so she doesn't remember. But she showed me a map of LA and pointed out where his house is. It was on a cliff on the coast between Santa Barbara and Santa ????, near LA. Apparently it was exactly 30 m directly above the sea. I remember thinking, I wonder if it's near ASJ's new house. And as I thought that I realized the map was like the Maruder's (?) map in Harry Potter, you can see people moving on it. And there she was. All of a sudden I saw a bicycle riding around in a green parky area south of Santa Barbara, near this man's house. And then the bicycle disappeared back into the trees.

But back to the rooftop hotel. I think it was looking out over Tokyo. THere were some car racing rides on the edge of the rooftop. So it felt like you were flying. And then there were some ballrooms, maybe that's where the party had been.

I was sitting and waiting for my mom. I texted her to hurry up, but that airport bus showed up before she did. But I think she met me there. As I was texting her, I got a message from my cousin on my cell. She was telling me about a new student who'd got a scholarship from AFS. I didn't know why she was telling me this. Strange.

I just really wanted to get on my flight to Bombay onto .....?


Visibility: vivid
Length: short
Triggers: upcoming holiday season

i was with some friends. rainy day. kind of cold. they were off to work and for some reason i was going with them. they worked at a store that was a combination of gap and sharper image. tho i never saw any products in the store. you got thru the store thru a room of darkness. lots of old people had given up in the room of darkness and were just sleeping there. inside the store there was lots of commotion. the workers wore dark blue collared shirts.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Visibility: vivid
Length: long
Triggers: this week's e-mail correspondance

Where to begin? Packing up, to go who knows where, but my father is in the background distracting me. Then being back in my hometown, wandering the streets, and there is this HUGE MASSIVE structure that has been build while I've been gone. It's a bunch of skyscrapers that are all connected by walkways and roadways hundreds of meters above the ground that span the entire city. Every building complex has a big entrance -wide concrete stairs. The buildings themselve are mostly commercial and I was in one, playing pool, when I decided to leave I had to walk down these big set of stairs. But then I realized I still had the pool cue in my hand. I didn't want to go all the way back up the stairs so I just left it leaning against the side of the building by a door. That's when I realized that all the people that had been milling around this big staircased entrance were homeless people. And almost all of them were walking around with pool cues in their hands.

Then I was in another one of the skyscrapers which was a mall and I wanted a hot chocolate, so I went up to the floor where it was all coffee booths. Japanese vending machines, French silver decanters, North American brands... I headed for the Starbucks (but it wasn't really, it was a knockoff -same logo, but different name). As I got close, the line up suddenly build up and I realized they were all JETs and ex-JETs. Behind the sugar/cream counter Jimmy and Thip were talking to each other a mile a minute. Francy (who was wearing a hot pink sweater) turned to me and said "They're twins!!".

I don't think I ever got my hot chocolate. I was back on another set of stairs with 3 people I know from when I was young, I can only recall one of them now, but I knew the other two really well. Some guy was putting blue sheets down on these massive steps so that people could lie down and take naps. Me and my friends decided we were all exhausted so we paired up on the blue sheets to take a nap. The guy I paired up with had a mattress underneath him and at first he wouldn't share and I had to lie on the concrete, but then he moved over and he was really warm, so I snuggled in really close to him.

Then all of a sudden I was at home (but not really my home) and my aunt was there with her 3 kids and her husband and it was Christmas time and total chaos. Things get fuzzy here.

I woke up once to the sound of crows outside my balcony and then went back to sleep, but now I can't remember that dream -although I know I had one.


Visibility: vivid
Length: seemed long
Triggers: eating taco bell in bed

I was living in a house with a lot of young urban professionals. Some friend of mine (tho i never saw the face in my dream) got herself a key to the house and proceeded to move into a room in the house late at night. she was super loud. furniture moving, tv blasting, and mostly the noise of plates. i could tell the other roommates were getting pissed off but didnt know what to say. one room of people left during the night. i confronted the girl and told her how annoying she was being. it ended up in a screaming match.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Visibility: blurry
Length: short/ but loads shorter now, should have written it earlier
Triggers: crave of tomato and tomato product as of late

this one was about matt! lots of other people were there, but m is the only one i remember. you were in charge of making meals. we were at some sort of school type setting with lots of stoves. you made some lasagna/spaghetti meal that was taking forever and people were getting antsy. then when it was time to pull them all out we realized that you had only made one. i remember the smell of the food cooking.


Visibility: pretty clear
Length: long
Triggers: ??

RSZ was over at my house, as were many other people. We were getting ready to leave and needed to go NOW. Everyone was waiting outside and getting in cars. RSZ decided he wanted a grilled cheese sandwhich NOW. Maybe we were living together, or maybe he was just really comfortable in my room. He opened the fridge, got the cheese (imported) and bread and made him self a sandwhich. We waited outside.

Angela was there and it was like she just picked me up from the airport. We were headed to a party. I didn't know anyone at the party except her and RSZ. I think the house was in California, or it felt like CA. It was warm and sunny and it was a massive house. A few of us decided to explore this massive house and found a quiet little room in the back. We sat down and looked out the window. All of a sudden it was like we were in an old wooden cottage looking out over a Japanese rock garden. But the view was moving back and forth, about 10 feet on either side. And we could feel the swaying. At first I thought it was an earthquake or something, and then realized it was something other worldly. There was a chair in the room with half of a massive fish sticking out of it. It was a permanent part of the furniture. The fish was dried and preserved, only the back half. We decided the room was freaky and left. But the door had the front end of the fish sticking out, staring at you. You can to grab hold of the mouth of the fish to open the door. WEIRD! And it had teeth...eek! We opened the door and walked out. This room was across from the bathroom and the bathroom had a sign that said "Scare you bathroom." I quickly skipped down the hallway and joined a bigger group in a more normal, less scary area. I asked the host about the room and he said there was a reason he didn't show us that room. eek!

Just then a group started collecting money to pay to give me a birthday massage! There were two women in bikinis, maybe strippers, and one eventually started giving me a back massage. It was very strange. I guess it was my birthday, but I wasn't aware of that. It was really akward. I told Angela I needed to go home, cause I hadn't seen my parents yet. I was tired. She agreed and maybe we'd go snowboarding the next day. But we weren't sure there was any snow on the mountains yet.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

MRL - November 9

Studying my face in the mirror I gradually start shaving off my eyebrows. They get smaller and smaller until they are completely gone.
All I think is, `How am I going to explain this to my school...`

But then a moment of lucidity when I think, `Thank God this isn`t real and when I wake up I`ll have them back.`

OM - Nov/09/06

Have been recording dreams over the past week or so -- The lucid dreaming book is back off the shelf and by my bed; time to try this anew :)

Dreaming… still pretty clear… I’m jumping out planes as part of some military force… it’s like a movie, I can see different paramilitary groups doing the same thing… Japanese commandos, and another group but I’m not sure… It’s all related to this book… I’ve been looking at the pictures, reading just a little -- I’ve been encouraged to buy or borrow it from the proprietor of the coffee shop we’ve been in…He and his daughter run it…A friend is with me, having an argument with the daughter of the coffee shop owner, there are some others… I’ve been looking at the book over coffee, and while reading it, it’s played out like a movie… When we get up to leave and pay, someone explains to me (my mom) that the old man (who’s Australian) has substituted the cost of my drink and food for the rental fee of the book… he’s doing me a favor- encouraging me to take the book, the cost of which is much less than my drink and food…His daughter seems a little miffed that he’s made this offer…I’m judging my good luck in the offer of her disgruntlement…Discussing the price of the book…it turns out the book is quite dear to the old man…images remind me of stuff from the 60’s… it’s pages and the font/layout has the same feel…For a lot of money I can buy the book, but he’s also offering to lend it to me…. For 5 dollars I can borrow it and return it when done… I decide on this route… He writes out his phone number in pencil… I’m to phone when done…or come back to return it. As he double-checks the number, he realizes he’s written in his Australian area code and remarking about how he’s always doing it, we’re not in Australia… alarm… awake….

While looking at the pages and reading… a movie like scenario opens up.. at first I’m with different commando units and I’m jumping with them…out of the plane… free fall for couple of seconds, pull on the cord, boom- parachute opens and we start to float… as soon as this happens back to another jump sequence… strange thing is we’re jumping out the front window of the transport/cargo plane… something which you shouldn’t have to do, but that we are, so as not to get sucked into the engines which is what would happen if we jumped out the side door….for a while I jump with different groups of commandos… Japanese, they’ve got the old imperial flag, then Russians (?) and British (?) then I’m in the scenario and it’s no longer old… we’re doing a gear check… I’m with a crew of 4 or 5… we’re just about to go, final inspection before popping out… I’m excited but concerned – I’ve got a new harness, parachute, but although I’m fine with it’s integrity it doesn’t have a leg strap...essential so the thing doesn’t pop up and over your body when you jump… I raise this question with our leader (Todd ?) and he points out that there is a leg strap, I’ve just neglected to tighten it. I’ve relieved to find this , and quickly do so, cinching the whole thing up…ready to go…we prepare ourselves then jump out the front window…. Free fall for a few seconds… I love the feeling, then pull on the cord… and back into the cargo bay of the plane…it’s like practice scenarios…


Visibility: vivid
Length: short
Triggers: going home for Christmas

Coming back from Canada to Japan, I realize that I haven't bought any omiyage for anyone, so I rush to the duty free in the airport and start shopping madly. All I can find are hideous wood carvings and leather goods for outrageous prices. Then I go to a store that sells food products and all they have are fish paste products in the shape of grey seals.

p.s. The airport in my dreams is always the same airport. I've been through this airport numerous times in numerous dreams (usually in a panic because I'm late or don't have my ticket or luggage). I've never actually been to the airport that I see in my dreams, but I have a feeling that someday I'll disembark from one of my journeys and actually be there.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Visibility: vivid
Length: short and disturbing
Triggers: Japanese news, my brother's sappy e-mails

I'm on a wide gravel river bank with a group of unidentifiable people (that I know). 25m up stream is a short waterfall with large boulders underneath being pounded by the water (we're at the bottom not the top). It's a shallow river but the water is running really fast and I can see people, including my brother standing up near the lip of the drop off (in the water). Someone has asked me what I was doing up there (I have just returned, wet and cold from the edge of the drop off). I said we were pretending to commit suicide, but we weren't really doing it...

Then all of a sudden, my brother (who is extremely tanned -alomost a golden color and wearing only a swim suit) jumps from where he was standing (the point where the water goes over the edge) and flails himself directly onto the rocks. Immediately he's dashed against the boulders and I can see every bone in his body break and he instantly goes limp like a rag doll. I start to run to the river's edge to catch him but I can't run fast. The whole time I'm struggling to get to the water all my first aid knowledge is running through my head.

The stress was too much, so I woke myself up before I got to the water.

SK - Nov. 4

Visibility: pretty clear
Length: broken bits and pieces
Triggers: by request

1. It was inbetween snoozing. So it was brief and broken up, but it felt like I was entering the same dream. And I think I was aware of dreaming, at least alittle bit. I was in Japan at my school, but it was "grandparents" day. Not for the students, but for ALTs. Both my grandfathers were there. I was in charge of some performance and there was some electrical issues, and I remember my grandfather, the electrician, got involved. He was wearing an workman's overalls, with a towel around his head. I think maybe he'd been visiting Japan for TOO LONG. He's still living in real life. But my paternal grandfather was also there, he died 5 years ago. I walked him around the school, and talked to him about differences and explained things. It was so wonderful to be with him again. And he was so inquisitive, nothing had changed. He was wearing a suit, which is how I remember him because he was a minister. He commented on how much he enjoyed talking to Ms. Nitta, my JTE. But he couldn't really pronounce her name. And I saw JP sitting at a table and introduced them. I knew they would get along and enjoy talking! There were a lot of ALTs in a big college style cafeteria with their grandparents visiting. And my mom was somehow involved in the performance. Because I remember commenting to her about the electrical problems.

After it was over, I walked outside and sat behind a tree and cried. I was happy I'd gotten to see them, but sad it was over. But I only got a few minutes to myself before the 1st grade teachers (two from my elementary schools) had come outside with all the kids to take them home. And then my principal was there too. And I tried to get back into the school, but the front door was under construction, so you had to jump over big rocks, climb fences, crawl through things, etc. I gave up and fell over laughing.

Before I went to sleep, I decided I wanted to see my paternal grandfather in my dream. I don't remember dreaming of him or anyone else I know that's died. Maybe this dream journaling is working.

Visibility: Clear, I could read
Length: short
Triggers: planning a trip home

Earlier in the night, before my first alarm went off, I was at home in my dream. Someone had just dropped me off at my high school. For some reason, I knew I'd been an exchange student for about a year and a half but was back at high school and needed to start classes again. Outside the school they were preparing for a "Battle of the Bands" event. They had the stage and signs prepared. Three of the four signs were in Japanese. I remember reading "song" or "歌”but it was spelled like this ”うていう." But I knew the meaning anyway. At first it didn't phase me, but then I remembered I wasn't in Japan anymore. I thought it was pretty cool the Japanese class was sponsoring the concert and had gone to the trouble of making all the signs in Japanese! But really, someone should teach them spelling!

I walked into the high school, the high school I went to in PDX. And walked into the office. There was a student sitting at a desk, one of my 2nd grade JHS students from Japan. He was the kid in charge of writing excused absences. The sign on the desk said "parents notes" or something like that. Did I need a note for being gone for over a year?? Probably not. I started to walk over to the main desk to explain my situation......and my alarm went off.

Friday, November 03, 2006

SK - Nov. 3rd

Visibility: pretty clear
Length: LONG
Triggers: goings on in my head

I woke up as my JTE was saying, "wait, i'll go check." So I stayed in bed for a few minutes and tried to wait for the answer. But after trying to fall back asleep a few times, I was still waiting, so I got up. I think she was going to get approval for something, now I can't remember. At first I thought that was all for the night, but as soon as I stood up and started walking around, I remembered much more...

I had just had a premature baby. And we were having a reception for its' birth. We had rented a hall and there were 40-50 people there. I was so nervous about it. We were gonna give a power point presentation. My best friend and our friend from elementary school came and I started sobbing. THey didn't bring their husbands and family. But I knew they were there to support me. And I just sat their sobbing. I'm not sure where we went next. People asked to see the baby, and it was pinned to my chest because it was so small. Sometimes I forgot it was there. At one point I remember putting it down and accidently putting my camera on top of it because it was so small.

And then either in a seperate dream or in the same dream, I had a reunion with an ex. He was showing me pictures from when we were dating. None of the pictures were based on real experiences we had, but they were very clear and vivid. There was one of us and the Elm Creek Lifeguard staff sitting in front of my Dolph Dr. house in PDX. But the lifeguard staff was from MN and they weren't people I recognize. A few others were taken at a halloween party. I was dressed as a witch but there were lots of decorations and I was trying to hide in the decorations so you couldn't tell where I was, like a "Where's Waldo?" book. And there was more that I'll leave out, but somehow I knew I had lost a baby recently. So maybe the dreams were connected, but I don't remember the baby dying. Although I remember being told my friend's baby had died. As soon as I got up and checked my email, there was a message from this ex. I haven't gotten an email from him in months! Freaked me out!

LDN -the first attempt

Visibility: indefinable
Length: long
Triggers: Ideas podcast

After listening to the Ideas episode on sleep I tried to conciously interact with my dreams -I wanted to see if I could control my actions in my dream (which I've never been able to do well).

This is what happened:

Each time an event happened in my dream -any action, reaction, or interaction a big black and white tab (like the ones you use to mark pages in a book or binder) was placed over the episode -like I was tagging it to be remembered when I woke up. But, it backfired on me. All I could recall when I woke up was a jumbled mess of black and white tabs and I couldn't see what was behind them.

It also led to the dream being stunted and haphazard. Nothing flowed. As soon as something happened I would immediately tag it and lose concentration on what the action was so I'd have to basically start another dream.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

One for the Psychologists...

Last night an extremely bizarre and disturbing dream that included the castration of my brother by African rebels. Said product of castration ended up in a tomato milkshake which I injested.

Extremely vivid. This is the second dream this week where my brother has been crying. This time it was when he met his wife to tell her that they wouldn`t be able to have sex anymore. I was heartbroken because they are a newly married couple. My mom turned to me and said, "Well, why don`t we just sew it back on?"
I didn`t have the heart to tell them I had blended it up in a tomato milkshake and drank it.

I almost didn`t share this one because it`s so fucked up but I did go out with the dentist last night and drank a bottle of champagne, so I`m hoping it was just the effects of the alcohol. Please God, let it be the effects of the alcohol!!

SK- Nov. 2nd

Visibility- none
Length-very short
Triggers-no idea

I don't know what was happening in my head last night. It was like I was in a computer program. I'm not even sure how to explain it. It was so clear to me in the middle of the night. But as soon as I woke up, I was confused. So I went back to sleep, twice to try to recall it. It came back, but I still don't understand what it was.

I was in a classroom (I think) or a computer program. Students were drawing pictures or using this program, but I don't remember seeing a computer, maybe cause I was in it. Basically, they wrote their names and then we got a pictures associated with their name. Like "K is for Kite" but it was in picture form. We all just knew what it meant. All we had to do was push a button and all the kids got one. But it was more intuitive and abstract than that. It just was. There was nothing material about the dream. It was like it was just ideas floating around.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Visibility: blurry
Length: long at the time, short now
Triggers: none that I know of

I was on a motorbike in Thailand, driving down a wet, dirty road, weaving around garbage, down muddy lanes.
I drove the bike down the opposite side of the street. I got to a hill and my friend on the back of the bike told me it was okay to ride down the muddy hill. There was a large tent on the hill and I knew it was filled with bad Khmer men and I didn`t trust my driving ability on the slippery surface so I thought I was going to skid right into their tent. But I made it down the hill on the bike without a problem.
When I opened the flap, the entire tent was filled with hay.